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Doors Open Burlington isn’t your typical small town “Doors Open” event. Although a blooming city, there are more than a handful of heritage homes and possibly an old jail. Doors Open Burlington highlights heritage sites, noteworthy builds, and interesting homes. Visit www.doburlington.com to plan your day on September 29.

Featured Sites

A host of special activities at more than ten sites will take place across the city. Visit venues such as Halton Mosque, East Plains United Church and the Holy Sepulchre Catholic Cemetery to make it a spiritual Saturday in #BurlON!

The Art Gallery of Burlington, Nickel Brook Brewing and Ireland House Museum are popular stops for craft beer lovers and artists this September!

The Skyway Wastewater Treatment Plant at 1125 Lakeshore Road is perhaps Burlington’s most in depth Doors Open experience. This massive facility is able to process 56 Olympic size pools of water everyday into Hamilton Harbour. This tour is 12+ recommended and pre-registration is required. Visit www.doburlington.com for more on the Skyway Wastewater Treatment Plant

Sponsors and Partners

Doors Open Burlington would not be possible without Hamilton/Burlington Society of Architects, Arts & Culture Council of Burlington, The City of Burlington, Culture Days and many more sponsors and partners. To become part of this Halton Region, Doors Open Ontario Heritage Trust event or to volunteer visit www.doburlington.com

Doors Open is a great way to spend the day in the community. Learn about intriguing practices behind city run facilities, museums, galleries, and holy centres dotted around this historic lakefront community.

Contact me anytime to find out how I can help you on your real estate journey! Email me at mariongoard@kw.com or call 905-335-8808.

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  Marion was very honest with me and guided me in the right direction.

Harvey Baldwin, Burlington, ON

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