The winter season is just around the corner! Don't let the frosty weather get you down this month – get out there and take advantage of these exciting events, coming soon to Burlington!
The Nutcracker – December 9
Fifty-five of Russia's brightest ballet stars return to Burlington to perform this perennial favourite of generations of children, and children-at-heart. The Nutcracker, a treasured holiday adventure, follows a little girl's journey through a fantasy world of fairies, princes, toy soldiers, and an army of mice. The entire family will love this magical experience filled with spectacular sets and beautiful costumes. Show will take place at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre at 2 p.m.
Christmas Activities at Springridge Farm – December 9-10
This is your opportunity to mix and mingle with Santa Claus himself! Activities include painting a glass ornament and decorating a freshly baked gingerbread cookie ($5 per activity). You can also shop for a variety of gourmet food, Christmas treats, festive decorations and giftware. Visit www.springridgefarm.com for more info.
Victorian Christmas at Bronte Creek – December 27- 31 and January 1-7
A special holiday treat awaits you and your family! Take a step back in time to the year 1900 to visit a Victorian homestead during the Christmas season. Spruce Lane Farm at Bronte Creek Provincial Park will be trimmed and decorated in all its seasonal splendor. Visit www.ontarioparks.com/park/brontecreek/events for more info.
Lakeside Festival of Lights – Until January 8
There's still plenty of time to take in the twinkling splendor of one of Burlington's most anticipated annual events! The Festival of Lights, happening at Spencer Smith Park, is celebrating its 22nd year in 2017. Bundle up and bring the whole family to check out over 60 festive displays.
Christmas with the Salvation Army – December 17
Join The Salvation Army for a free concert at the Burlington Performing Arts Centre, celebrating 50 years of ministry in the City of Burlington. Featuring some of your favourite Christmas carols and songs, there will also be special performances by The North York Temple Band, The London Citadel Timbrel Brigade and Pianist Beverley Yates. Show starts at 6 p.m.
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