In a market of opportunity, deciding to purchase a new home can offer you more choices than you initially expected. A successful home purchase is one that both your head and your heart agree on. Often a difficult task, it's a wonderful feeling when you finally find the perfect place to call home. But what if you are falling for every house you see?

Emotional Swaying

The first thing to know is that this is normal and even common for new homebuyers. Purchasing a home is likely the biggest purchase you will ever make, and it is a difficult decision. The key is to invest the time needed to ensure you are making the best decision for you, your family and your financial situation.

Wants vs. Needs

Writing and rewriting a list of essentials, followed by a list of hopefuls is a great way to feel confident about your purchase. Be conscious not only of your current expectations, but also what may become more important to you in the future. Be picky and be thorough. This is a large purchase so don't let anyone try to pressure or sway you.

Evaluate the Extras

If more than one home meets your rigid criteria, compare the pros and cons of the added features. Consider commute times, yard sizes, proximity to schools, parks and shopping. Also weigh drawbacks of your neighbourhood choice. Fully understanding the implications of your choice will help you make the best decision.

If you find that you're still having trouble deciding on a property, this may be a sign that you are not ready to commit to home ownership. Never make a home purchase you are not sure about. If you find you are unable to commit that to one purchase, it is wise to wait until you can.

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  Marion Goard is a great agent. We enjoyed working with her and would highly recommend her. She has great knowledge and experience. Listens to her clients wants and needs.

Ivanka Chemij, Kitchener

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